Last Fun Fact Friday we shared that Hyperion co-owner Romain is French-American; He was born in Germany and lived in France until his folks moved to Portland when he was 2.
This week we’re sharing our favorite fondue recipe from Romain’s Uncle Gilles!
I’m not going to bore you with every mundane detail about our lives leading up to this decision. Or make you scroll for ten years, fighting with popups, ads, and your will to live.
But I will say this, at least once per winter (and usually more than once, since we’re in Portland and winter lasts like 9 months) we do Gilles’ fondue recipe for dinner.
We start with a leisurely Apéro of Pont (an anis liquor that is local to the region of France where Romain’s family lives) and some nuts, olives, and cured meats, before moving on to the main event.
We love it not only because it is delicious, which it is,
but because it give us a little nostalgia for vacationing in France with beloved relatives who are dearly missed.

This recipe is pretty flexible, if you can’t get Comte (Costco has the best price and the most flavorful Comte that we’ve been able to find in the US) use any strong gruyere.
If you can’t find raclette, which is seasonal in some places, brie, camembert, or morbier are all fine substitutes.
You can totally eyeball this recipe, and play with quantities, but don’t skip the garlic, mustard, and liquor.
And make sure not to drink water with your meal — trust me on this one.
In France, we’ll usually have a digestif of Kirsch after our meal, and a tart yogurt for dessert.
We hope you enjoy the recipe and let us know if you have any questions!
Bon Appétit!